Didirikan pada 2006, Siberian Federal University berlokasi di kota Krasnoyarsk, di Rusia. SibFU memiliki 3 cabang yaitu Lesosibirsk teachers training institute, Sayano-Shushenskiy, dan Khakasskiy SibFU branch. Universitas ini juga memiliki 18 sekolah yang masing-masing berfokus pada bidang studi tertentu dan menjadi universitas terbesar di bagian Timur Rusia. Hingga saat ini SibFU memiliki lebih dari 30.000 siswa.
Meskipun terhitung muda, 96% lulusannya mendapatkan pekerjaan dalam waktu singkat. SibFU memiliki 5 laboratorium internasional, 28 aula asrama, perpustakaan besar, dan 82 klub olahraga yang menawarkan lebih dari 20 jenis olahraga. Pada tahun 2019 SibFU juga dipilih menjadi tuan rumah ke 29 World Winter Universiade.
RANKING 2022/23
Universitas yang baru berusia 13 tahun ini telah memiliki banyak prestasi. Berikut ranking-ranking SibFU:
- #1001-1200 in QS World
- #101-150 in QS WUR Ranking By Subject
- #109 in EECA University Rankings
- #1548 in Best Global Universities (tie)
- #553 in Best Global Universities in Europe
- #21 in Best Global Universities in Russia
SibFU juga bekerja sama dengan universitas-universitas lain dalam proyek internasional yaitu KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Universidade Aberta – Portugal, University of Mannheim – Germany, dan University of Bologna, Italy.
SibFU menawarkan berbagai jenjang studi mulai dari kelas bahasa Rusia, program sarjana, program magister, dan program PhD. Kelas bahasa Rusia diperuntukkan bagi siswa internasional yang ingin melanjutkan studi yang berbahasa Rusia. Porogram ini berdurasi 1 hingga 2 tahun.
Program sarjana terbagi menjadi 2 yaitu yang berdurasi 4 tahun dan 5 tahun. Sementara itu program magister nya berdurasi sama seperti di Indonesia yaitu 2 tahun dan PhD 3 tahun.
Semua program sarjana di SibFU diajarkan dalam bahasa Rusia, sehingga setiap siswa internasional terutama lulusan SMA Indonesia diharuskan mengikuti kelas bahasa Rusia selama minimal 1 tahun di SibFU atau mempersiapkannya di Indonesia.
Berbeda dengan sarjana, program magister sudah ada yang diajarkan dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu:
- Applied Computing in Engineering and Science
- Banking
- Biological Engineering
- Complex Analysis
- Petroleum Chemistry and Refining
- Technosphere Safety in the High North and Arctic Regions
SibFU juga menawarkan internship, summer school & Professional development programs.
Apa saja yang dapat dipelajari di universitas ini? Berikut adalah 18 SibFU Schools yang bisa menjadi pilihan Anda untuk melanjutkan studi.
- Law School
- Polytechnic School
- School of the Humanities
- School of Architecture and Design
- School of Economics and Management
- School of Ecology and Geography
- School of Education, Psychology and Sociology
- School of Engineering and Construction
- School of Engineering Physics and Radio Electronics
- School of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology
- School of Mathematics and Computer Science
- School of Military Engineering
- School of Mining, Geology and Geotechnology
- School of Non-Ferrous Metals and Material Science
- School of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
- School of Philology and Language Communication
- School of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism
- School of Space and Information Technologies
- School of The North and The Arctic
Program Title | Duration | Tuition Fee per year (rubles)* |
Architecture School of Architecture and Design |
5 years (300 ECTS) | 176,934 |
Automation of Processes and Production School of Non-Ferrous Metals and Material Science |
4 years (240 ECTS) | 176,934 |
Biology School of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology |
4 years (240 ECTS) | 176,934 |
Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures School of Engineering and Construction |
6 years (360 ECTS) | 176,934 |
Fire Safety School of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering |
5 years (300 ECTS) | 176,934 |
Linguistics School of Philology and Language Communication |
4 years (240 ECTS) | 161,466 |
Mechanical Engineering Polytechnic School |
4 years (240 ECTS) | 176,934 |
Software Engineering School of Space and Information Technologies |
4 years (240 ECTS) | 176,934 |
Special Purpose Vehicles School of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering |
5,5 years (330 ECTS) | 176,934 |
Technology of Artistic Materials Processing Polytechnic School |
4 years (240 ECTS) | 176,934 |
Program Title | Duration | Tuition Fee (per year)* | Language |
Digital Intelligent Control Systems School of Space and Information Technologies |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 260,000 rubles | English |
Data Science and Mathematical Modeling School of Space and Information Technologies |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 250,000 rubles | English |
Biomedical Data Science School of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 250,000 rubles | English |
Banking School of Economics, Public Administration and Finances |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 250,000 rubles | English |
Biological Engineering School of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 250,000 rubles | English |
Petroleum Chemistry and Refining School of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 260,000 rubles | English |
Program Title | Duration | Tuition Fee, per year (rubles) | Entry exams |
Emergencies in Technosphere Polytechnic School | 2 years (120 ECTS) | 188,584 | Technosphere and environmental safety (orally) |
Power Engineering of Heat Technologies Polytechnic School |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 188,584 | Heat power engineering and thermal engineering (orally) |
Software Engineering and Cybernetics School of Space and Information Technologies |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 181,856 | Informatics and computer technology (in writing) |
Algebra, Logic and Discrete Mathematics School of Mathematics and Fundamental Informatics |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 166,246 | Mathematics (in writing) |
Mathematical and Computer Modelling School of Mathematics and Fundamental Informatics |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 166,246 | Mathematics (in writing) |
Biophysics and Medical Engineering School of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 188,584 | Physics (orally) |
Analytical Chemistry School of Non-Ferrous Metals and Materials Science |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 188,584 | Chemistry (orally) |
Nature Conservation School of Ecology and Geography |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 188,584 | Ecology and environment management (in writing) |
Microbiology and Biotechnology School of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 188,584 | Biology (orally) |
Genomics and Bioinformatics School of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 188,584 | Biology (orally) |
Architecture of Public Buildings and Complexes School of Architecture and Design |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 188,584 | Theory and history of architecture (orally) |
Visual Communication (Digital Art) School of Architecture and Design |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 188,584 | Theory of urban planning (orally) |
Building Design. Energy and Resource Saving School of Engineering and Construction |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 188,584 | Building design. Energy and Resource Saving (in writing) |
Business Process Reengineering School of Business-process Management and Economics |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 188,584 | Applied informatics (in writing) |
Digital Economy Technologies School of Business-process Management and Economics |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 188,584 | Applied informatics (in writing) |
Reliability of Technological Machines and Equipment of the Oil and Gas Complex School of Petroleum and Gas Engineering |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 188,584 | Reliability of technological machines (orally) |
New Foods for Rational and Balanced Nutrition School of Economics and Commerce |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 188,584 | Food technology for public catering (in writing) |
Financial Technology and Risk Management School of Economics and Commerce |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 172,893 | Finance (in writing) |
Counseling School of Education, Psychology and Sociology |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 166,246 | Psychology (in writing) |
Mediation in Education School of Education, Psychology and Sociology |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 172,893 | Interview on the profile of the training program |
Human Resource Management School of Education, Psychology and Sociology |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 172,893 | Interview on the profile of the training program |
Corporate Accounting and Financial-Investment Analysis School of Economics, Finance and Public Administration |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 172,893 | Economic theory (in writing) |
Instruments for State and Municipal Management of Territorial Development School of Economics, Finance and Public Administration |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 172,893 | State and municipal management (in writing) |
Criminal Justice Law School |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 172,893 | Comprehensive examination (Criminal law, Civil law: Corporate law, Constitutional law) (test) |
Public Authority: Legal Basis of Organization and Activities Law School |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 172,893 | Comprehensive examination (Criminal law, Civil law: Corporate law, Constitutional law) (test) |
Cross-Cultural Communication and Translation School of Philology and Language Communication |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 172,893 | Foreign language (test) Theory of language (orally) |
History of Russia School for the Humanities |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 166,246 | History of Russia (orally) |
Program Title | Duration | Tuition Fee (per year)* | Language |
Digital Intelligent Control Systems School of Space and Information Technologies |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 260,000 rubles | English |
Data Science and Mathematical Modeling School of Space and Information Technologies |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 250,000 rubles | English |
Biomedical Data Science School of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 250,000 rubles | English |
Banking School of Economics, Public Administration and Finances |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 250,000 rubles | English |
Biological Engineering School of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 250,000 rubles | English |
Petroleum Chemistry and Refining School of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 260,000 rubles | English |
Program Title | Duration | Tuition Fee (per year)* | Language |
German and Russian Law / Deutsches und Russisches Recht Law School |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 172,893 rubles | Russian and German |
Banking School of Economics, Public Administration and Finances |
2 years (120 ECTS) | 250,000 rubles | English |
Semua pelajar international akan mendapatkan akomodasi di dalam kampus tergantung dari bidang studi masing-masing. Akomodasi yang dimaksud adalah sharing accommodation mulai dari 2 – 5 orang dan dilengkapi kamar mandi dan dapur dengan harga terjangkau.
Tinggal di kampus akan menghabiskan biaya per bulan sekitar 30 – 40 USD per bulan. Sementara untuk tinggal di luar kampus, biaya akomodasi saja bisa berkisar antara 170 – 500 USD. Meski demikian biaya hidup di Krasnoyarsk secara umum cukup terjangkau, untuk makan, transportasi dan hiburan hanya menghabiskan sekitar 250 USD.